Historical Sources & Testimonies Page

The Glass Mirror

"The Grub-Tha-Thamas-Chad" is a Tibetan Translation of an ancient Chinese document entitled, "The History of Religions and Doctrines--The Glass Mirror", which contains mention of "Yesu" (Jesus) and his teachings in Asia on pages 471-472.

In 'A Search for the Historical Jesus', Dr. Fida Hassnain , former Director of Kashmir State Archives and of Archeological Research and Museums, mentions a Tibetan manuscript he discovered called Grugtha Thams-chand kyi Khuna dan Dod-Thsul Ston-pe Legs Shad Shel-gyi Melong. This Tibetan document, written by Le-zan Chhes-kyi Nima , was translated from an ancient Chinese document called, The History of Religion and Doctrines—The Glass Mirror

[Courtesy of Dr. Fida Hassnain, who discovered the document and has given us formal permission to display this copy.]

“Yesu, the teacher and founder of the religion, who was born miraculously, proclaimed himself the Savior of the world. He commanded his disciples to observe the ten vows [Ten Commandments], among which includes prohibition of manslaughter and attainment of eternal joy through good deeds. He preached that evil actions plunge one into hell, where there is eternal torment and misery. A sin committed in a state of consciousness cannot be condoned or pardoned. This is one of the virtuous results emerging out of the teachings of the Buddha. His doctrines did not spread extensively, but survived in Asia, for a long period. The above information is derived from the Chinese treatises on religions and doctrines.”

We find it interesting that the above document states that, except in Asia, the teachings of Yesu (Jesus) did not spread. When one considers the differences in the teachings of Yuz Asaf/Yesu when he was in Asia, and those of Christianity as it evolved in the West, one begins to understand the above quote. It appears that for, the primary focus of Western Christianity is the death of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world, but in the East that idea does not exist.